Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I'm a slacker...

I have not only been busy, but I've been too tired lately to post.  I had nearly 3 weeks off at Christmas, and although I got a lot accomplished, I did neglect my blog.  So, let's have a flashback to Christmas 2012 (It shouldn't be too hard to remember just a few weeks back!)

 Raegan getting ready to go to the Christmas Eve service at Shannon's family's church.

 Pyper gets a Barbie Jeep from Nana and PaPa.  It was originally Hannah and Emma's brought all the way from Nashville, and Nana replaced the battery for our girls.  Perfect!

 Emma and Pyper wait for Pyper's stage debut!

 Pyper was not shy at all to stand in front of the church (a packed church, mind you!) and say her lines, "I bring a little lamb, so white, to a baby born that night!"  I was so proud of her!

 Cousin Hannah holding Itty.

 Raegan loved the music the children sang, and sang in her own language.

 Christmas Eve before hitting the hay.  My dad made Pyper a washer and dryer, Santa brought her a new bike for potty training, and we got her a cute ironing board. 

 I love Itty's hair in this picture.  We call her fuzzy head in the morning. 

 We were so tired. 

 I made our stockings.  I wanted them to look like elf socks, and I like the way they turned out.  I then embroidered everyone's name on theirs. 

 Mom bought Raegan a dress up skirt and boa so she could participate in dress up.

 Pyper loves to dress up!

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