I am so sad to report we lost two more chickens on Sunday. When I let them out to range, they were all there. When I went to put them up that night, 2 were missing. I worried that something had gotten them, but hoping they had just roosted somewhere I shut them all up and waited until daylight. I found Ida Mae's feathers scattered on the hill in our barn lot, and a tuft of Foghorn Leghorn's white feathers up by my horse trailer. A fox had attacked in broad daylight. RIP Ida Mae and Foghorn Leghorn. You will be missed.
Ida Mae (momma hen above) was my favorite and was such a wonderful momma. I would hold her and she'd purr.
Foghorn Leg horn (above, small white hen) was our only white egg layer. She was a chicken brain, but sweet.
We'll miss you girls.
Aww, I'm so sorry! :-(