The fall is full of birthdays here in the Dickenson home. Raegan is a September baby and Pyper is a November baby. I have carefully thought out our position on toys, and have requested specific toys from family and friends. This is a touchy subject because I don't want to offend any one's good intentions. But these are our children, and we want to raise them our way. I don't want toys that require batteries. There! I said it! You may think I'm keeping my kids in a bubble, but it's OUR bubble. It's not so much the noise of the blinky, beepy, annoying toys that I'm trying to discourage. (Although, I must admit, that is SOME of it!) I am trying to ENcourage my children's imaginations by having THEM create the sounds. I don't want to rob them of creativity or imagination. So, please, don't send my girls any toys that require batteries. It will immediately go into the Goodwill pile.
Here's a sneak peak of what we have already given or will to be given. Pyper is big into role playing, being a "mommy" and cooking. You'll see in this past post:, that I have already bought Pyper several great items for her birthday and Christmas. I try to buy year round, when items are on sale, so it doesn't hit us all at once in the fall. My dad is making the girls a wooden washer and dryer. I can't wait to see the end result!!!
Pyper has already made several batches of real cookies, chicken and dumplings and other dishes with me. I thought she'd really enjoy this baking set.
This is a little family set for Raegan. It's small for her little hands. She can put the sleeping bags on each family member, and start to associate color and size difference.
Pyper is fascinated with how things work. I found this great tool set with nuts, bolts, washers and wrenches on Etsy. Many people think that tools are primarily for boys. Not at all--at least not in our house! I like how open ended this toy is, and I can really see Pyper enjoying it.
These are large play silks for Raegan. She is so tactile driven, playing with hair, touching fur, taking food out of her mouth to examine it. I thought she would love the color and texture of these silks. Pyper and Hunter will enjoy them too...they can be made into capes, the sky, long Rapunzel hair, grass, etc...the choices are endless.
This past summer, Pyper fished out her winter coats to play with the zippers. She would sleep in her coats, wear them outside in the heat, and eat with them on. She is very determined to "do it myself!" She now can zip her coat up without any assistance. I found these dressing frames and thought they would satisfy Pyper's love of "working things out." Snaps, zippers, buckles and ties. I refuse to hold her back due to her age, and have promised to make whatever thing accessible within limits. Who says a 3 year old can't learn to tie shoes?
These are simple plates, bowls spoons, forks and knives. Pyper will enjoy role playing with these, washing them, and I plan on teaching her to set a table correctly.
More role playing toys.
We got these lacing beads for Raegan's birthday. Right now, she's interested in dumping them out, and putting them back in the bag. Soon, though, she will follow Pyper's lead and lace them, which will encourage fine motor skills, concentration and focus.
These cute nesting bowls are for Raegan. Not only will she stack them, but she'll probably sort the beads in the above picture and put them into the corresponding bowl. The possibilities are endless.
We got this walker for Raegan and she tears up the hallways! I love the soft clickity-clack of the woodpecker's bills on the wood.

I love all those toy ideas! We have some in our own home, like the bowls, and they are big hit. :-)