Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Green Goodness

This is what our garden looks like so far. I'm pretty impressed! The potatoes aren't as great as last year, but we still have some time...

The corn is looking really good. Except for Goldie and Ida Mae being in there...

And there they are in the tomatoes, too! Those sneaky snakes!

Tassels already...

I can't wait to eat these tomatoes! I could go ahead and fry some of these up...

Cherry Tomatoes

This is a volunteer random squash. We have NO idea how it ended up in our garden, as we didn't plant anything like this last year! Anyone know what it is?

We've already harvested a few of these yellow squash. I have a new squash/potato au gratin recipe I'm looking forward to making with this one...

This will be our 4th zucchinni so far. I've made zucchinni bread and stir fry so far. YUMMY GARDEN GOODNESS!

As a side note, we are totally pestacides, herbacides, or any chemicals. Many people scoff at this idea, and it IS more more work...weeding, picking off bugs, etc. However, I feel the benefits outweigh the cons. I don't want to eat stuff layered in chemicals.

1 comment:

  1. I would be interested in hearing more about that squash/potato au gratin recipe! Sound yummy and I have squash and potatoes to use up.
